Travel Vaccinations

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to book a telephone consultation with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required and what charges are involved.

Information about countries and vaccinations required can be found on the links below:

 Europe & Russia North America
 Central America South America
 Carribean Africa
 Middle East Central Asia
 East Asia Australasia and Pacific

It is important to have your first vaccination as early as possible – at least 6 weeks before you travel. Your second appointment needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.

If travelling in less than 2 weeks and there are no available appointments with the practice nurse you may have to go to a private travel clinic. Details of these can be obtained from the internet or the practice nurse.

Price List and Fees

Routine travel vaccines are free on the NHS i.e. Tetanus – Diptheria – Polio – Hepatitis A  – Typhoid.

All other vaccines have to be paid for.

Some vaccines are not kept in stock.  Delivery is usually 24 – 48 hours.

All vaccines must be paid for before they are ordered by the practice.  Once ordered there will be no refunds. We only accept cash or cheque (with banker’s card).

Private Prescription Charge                      

£12.00 (Malaria Tablets – you will also have to pay the chemist for the tablets)

Hepatitis B vaccine                                    

TBC per vaccination (course of 3 injections)

Japanese B Encephalitis – Rabies – Meningitis  

The nurse will advise you of the fee.

Travel Health Questionnaire

To help us offer the appropriate advice, please fill out the online form before coming to see the nurse.

Community Baby Group

Will be held at the Children’s Centre attached to the library on Railway Road.

Non-NHS Medicals

All the doctors in the practice carry out medicals for insurance/sport/employment purposes. Please ask at reception for details of the current fees and times that these can be arranged.

Flu Immunisations

We offer flu immunisations to all patients over the age of 65 and to patients considered to be ‘at risk’ – there will be noticed in the surgery in the autumn informing patients of when the vaccination clinics are to be held and all patients in the above categories will be notified by post.

Musculoskeletal Practictioners

The practice has a new service whereby patient who present with muscle or joint pain can be seen directly by our MSK practitioner (physiotherapist) who can plan treatment for them. They offer initial consulations via video call, telephone or face to face.

Smoking Cessation Advice

The doctors and nurses can sign post give smoking cessation advice and support.

Diabetic Clinic

Run by the practice nurse Sister Morris – all patients will be invited once a year for routine blood tests and twice a year to have a full review of their condition.

Asthma and COPD Clinic

Run by the practice nurse Sister Olewicz under the guidance of Dr Robinson – all patients will be invited to attend once a year for an assessment and review of their medication.

Post Natal Checks

Make an appointment with Dr Brickwood for your 6-week post-natal check.

Pre-School Vaccinations

Parents of pre-school children will be informed by the Primary Care Trust when their child is due for vaccination – please make an appointment with one of the practice nurses.