We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Our receptionists can help you decide which is the right person for you to see. There are also number of useful services that might have traditionally been accessed via your GP surgery which can now be provided elsewhere. See the list below to check if your appointment is needed;
Minor ailments – Your Pharmacist can help too, pharmacies can advise and prescribe for minor ailments, please take a look at our leaflet for more information…. Minor Ailment Scheme
Self care -Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a trip to the surgery and free up time for the GPs to see patients with more serious health problems. Read about some of the most effective home treatments on the NHS website for: Health A to Z – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Back pain
- Dermatitis
- Heartburn and indigestion
- Nasal congestion (blocked nose)
- Constipation
- Migraines
- Coughs
- Acne
- Sprains and strains
- Headaches
Self-certification– employers do not need, and we will not issue, a “not fit for work” note for the first 7 days off work. You can access the form via this link…..Self Cert form- Gov Website
NHS 111– The free NHS non-emergency number. You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. Call 111 if
- you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
- you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service
- you don’t know who to call or you don’t have a GP to call
- you need health information or reassurance about what to do next
Urgent Care Centre– Urgent treatment centres provide medical help when it’s not a life-threatening emergency. Urgent treatment centres are usually overseen by doctors (sometimes GPs) working with nurses. Click here to find ourt when to visit urgent treatment centres
They can diagnose and deal with many of the common problems people go to A&E for things like these:
- broken bones and sprains
- injuries, cuts and bruises
- wound dressing
- stomach pain
- coughs, colds and breathing problems
- vomiting and diarrhoea
- skin infections and rashes
- high temperature in children and adults
- mental health problems
If a doctor decides you need a prescription, they can organise one for you. Emergency contraception is also available.
Physiotherapy self-referral- Physios are specialists in musculoskeletal conditions and you can now refer yourself to them without seeing a GP first. Please see this link for further information…. Physiotherapy Self Referral
Mental Health– You can now self-refer to Mindsmatter Service without seeing your GP, they work with adults from the age of 16 upwards who may be struggling with common difficulties such as stress, anxiety and depression. Please click on the link for more information… Mindsmatter Self Referral
Wellbeing– The Lancashire Wellbeing Service is a free and targeted service which helps adults 18+ who have low-level of emotional health, lifestyle or social issues or long-term health conditions. You can self-refer for some help, support or advice without seeing your GP. Please take a look at the link for more information… Lancashire Well Being Service- Self Referral
Just found out you are pregnant? As soon as you find out you are pregnant you can now book your maternity care directly with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals instead of seeing your GP. Take a look at the link… Pregnancy self referral
Breastfeeding Support– For help with breastfeeding or to share experiences and just have a chat, there are lots of drop-in sessions you can attend locally…take a look at the link for more information Breastfeeding Groups
The Parenting Team– The parenting team offers support to parents and carers who need extra help with managing their child’s challenging behaviour. You can access the service directly by phoning 01772 777467 you don’t need to see the GP to access this service.
Baby Clinics– Click on this link to see local baby clinics near you.
Children and Families Well-being Service Chorley– Chorley neighbourhood centre offers a range of services aimed at young people from 0-19+ years. E.g: Family and young persons drop in, Youth Council, Parenting support sessions, Bump birth and beyond, weight and stay clinic, please take a look at this link to see whats on and all the relevant contact details.
A&E -is for life-threatening accidents and emergencies only. Before you go there, ask yourself, “Is it a real emergency?” If not, please consider using other local health services before you visit A&E.